
The Degree Committee of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education approved the PhD Program of Communication. In 2010 the first-level PhD program of Communication set up in ECNU. From 2005 to 2010, ECNU enrolled students into the program of “Literature and Communication”. In 2011, the School enrolled PhD students of Communication

The specializations of this program are Theories and Practices of Communication; Editing, Publishing and Media Culture Research; Communication of Film Culture and Theory Research; Calligraphy Culture and Communication Psychology; Advertising Theory and History of Advertising Research. The main courses are Communication Studies, Documentaries Studies, Media Theories, Media Culture and Society, Studies of Modern Publication in China, New Media Studies, Films Theories Studies, Film and TV Arts Theories, Advertising Theories and History of Advertising, Public Opinions of Advertising Communication Theories, Media Economy Studies and other courses planned according to the training plan of PhD Program.

PhD graduates of Communication mainly teach and research in universities and research institutions. They can also work in institutions of the Party and governments, publication institutions and large state-owned and private enterprises. They can also work in multinational enterprises to do innovative planning and theoretical research.