
The summer high-level course "News Research" is about to begin at the School of Communication


Introduction of Course

Course Name

Journalism Studies

Course Credit


Course Timtable

3 July 2023 to 14 July 2023,Sixth to seventh period


Final Paper

Please select one question from the provided list of questions, and answer it in 1,000 words (plus / minus 10 percent, not including References).

In their essay, students should be able to demonstrate a critical awareness of relevant ideas, concepts, and issues concerning the changing nature of journalism in the Western world.



Target audience

Undergraduate and postgraduate students (any major)


Undergraduate students can select courses directly from the system, postgraduate students can register through the QR code.

Introduction of Professor

Stuart Allan,Professor of Journalism and Communication, Cardiff University, UK(the 5th in the UK  and  the 29th  in the world  for communication and media Studies, QS 2023 ). Stuart has published widely in journalism, media and cultural studies. He has authored seven books. His research has also appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and contributions to edited collections, and has been translated into several languages. He is a founding co-editor of the online journal Journalism Education (published by the Association for Journalism Education), and serves on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism; Digital Journalism; New Media & Society; Media, War & Conflict; Communication, Culture & Critique; Text & Talk; Environmental Communication; Time & Society; Journalism & Communication Monographs; and Global Media and China.

Module Overview

        This module introduces students to a series of key ideas, concepts, questions and issues central to the academic study of journalism, as well as significant scholarly and professional debates regarding the role of journalism in Western societies.

        Students will consider research into the forms, practices, institutions and audiences of Western journalism. They will compare and contrast scholarly and professional approaches to understanding the evolving nature of news in light of recent trends and developments. Theoretical frameworks will help them better understand journalists' work and its perceived influence on societies such as Britain and the United States. In this way, students will be encouraged to rethink what counts as journalism and how its public service commitments may be improved in the future.

        Topics to be explored include: Historical debates over the role of the press in the public sphere; the changing political economy of Western news media; debates over whether journalists can be “objective” or “impartial” in their reporting; criticisms that the news media can be sexist in their representation of women, or sometimes racist with regard to ethnic minorities; the rise of citizen journalism and the challenges it poses for the future of journalism as a profession; the changing nature of war reporting; photojournalism and the digital manipulation of the truth; the future of science and environmental journalism; and questions regarding how social media influence the ways news media cover global crises.

        Lectures will be 90 minutes in duration, followed by 30 minutes for Questions and Answers

Daily Topics

Day 1

Introduction to Journalism Studies

Day 2

Journalism and the Public Sphere

Day 3

Media Ownership

Day 4

Histories of War Reporting

Day 5

Women in the News

Day 6

Ethnic Minorities in the News

Day 7

The Rise of Citizen Journalism

Day 8

Science Journalism and Environmental News

Day 9

Photojournalism and Digital Truths

Day 10

Global Journalism