
Program for doctoral degree of Communication Studies (2017)


Programfor doctoral degree of Communication Studies (2017)

1.      Objectives

This program is to cultivatehigh-level professional talents of journalism and communication who can apply Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics to think and analyze major theories and practical problems thatjournalism and communication profession faces. It is to nurture students withcomprehensive development in moral, intelligence and sports. It is to cultivatestudents with a solid professional foundation, high competence and high qualityand to cultivate high-level and professional talents of journalism andcommunication who actively make efforts to contribute to the nation and todevelop journalism and communication profession.

PhD students of CommunicationStudies program have to possess strong ability of scientific research andpractice, and have to possess innovative spirit.

PhD students of CommunicationStudies should know research results and latest trend in professional field. Standingin the academic frontier, students should apply advanced research methods andmeans to research with creativity. High-quality scientific research results orhigh-quality practical results are necessary during the study. PhD students arerequired to master a foreign language and know a second foreign language. Moreover, PhD students are required topossess professional dedication, and to be decent, with mental and physicalhealth. After graduation, PhD students can soon become the backbone inteaching and scientific research, or in the sector of journalism andcommunication.

2.Research orientation

1. Theoriesand Practices of Communication

2. Editing,Publishing and Media Culture Research

3. Communication of Film Culture and Theory Research

4.Calligraphy Culture and Communication Psychology

5. Advertising Theory and History of Advertising Research

3. Duration, training mode and courses

(1) Duration

The duration of studyfor PhD students is four years and the maximum length of study is no more than6 years.

(2) Training mode

Training of PhD studentsthe a combination of direction of supervisors and group training.

(3) Courses

Courses for PhDstudents include public courses, fundamental courses andspecialized courses. PhD students is required to get at least 6 credits ofpublic compulsory courses and public elective courses, including politicaltheories and foreign languages. Fundamental courses are also the compulsoryunits of study. Specialized courses include specialized compulsory coursesoffered by this discipline and specialized elective courses towards theresearch. The total credits in fundamental courses and specialized (compulsory)courses should be completed at least 5 credits. Moreover, at least onespecialized course (elective) should be completed and not less than 2 creditsis necessary. PhD students are required to complete at least 15 credits duringthe study.    

According tothe professional training needs and according to the courses that PhD studentshave taken, supervisors can require PhD students to complete some othercourses.

(4) Assessment

Assessment includesexams and other assessment methods. Compulsory courses require exams. Electivecourses include exams and other assessment methods. Exams will use centesimalsystem to evaluate results. Other assessment methods will use grading system toevaluate. Courses will be arranged in the first academic year in principle. Theexams should be completed before the PhD dissertation proposal.

Besides curriculumassessment, PhD students are also required to pass assessment of researchethics training, of academic norms, of the training of reading fundamentaljournals and books, and of academic activities. The assessment will not becalculated into the total credits, but it will be one part of checking PhDstudents’ eligibility for attending dissertation defense.  

PhD students shouldlearn research ethics and academic norms by themselves, and should completeonline assessment.

The department andsupervisors will provide a fundamental bibliography of professional books forPhD students of each major and will assess PhD students’ ability of reading thefundamental bibliography of professional books.

During the studies,PhD students should attend a certain number of academic activities, such asgiving academic lectures, joining academic symposiums and attending academiclectures. The specific requirements for these activities are decided by the departmentand supervisors.

4.Training of scientific research and innovation ability

Training of scientific researchand innovation ability is one crucial part of the training plan for PhDstudents. Through attending supervisor’s scientific research projects and undertakingresearch tasks independently, PhD students should grasp the means, methods andskills of scientific research and improve the ability and academic level ofindependently engaging in scientific research. PhD students are encouraged toapply for a variety of scientific research funds and to strengthen training ofscientific research. PhD students are inspired to make an innovative achievement;outstanding research for doctoral dissertation will be supported by specialfunds. PhD students are encouraged and supported by ECNU to publish papers ininternational high-level academic journals to improve PhD students’ ability ofpresenting academic achievements in the international stage.

A PhD candidate can apply for adegree after he has met the requirements of publishing scientific researchachievements during the studies.

5. Assessment during the studies

Annual assessment. Atthe end of each academic year, PhD students should report supervisors andsteering groups the progress of study and research over the past year. The departmentand supervisors issue opinions and then report to the graduate school for arecord.

Qualification exams. Onlyby completing all curriculums can PhD students take the qualification exams.After passing the qualification exams, PhD students are able to begin writingtheir PhD dissertation.

Review of dissertationproposal. PhD students should complete required course credits in the firstacademic year and finish dissertation proposal, which will be evaluated by the departmentand graduate school.

Requirements for academic research achievements.

(1)    Giving academiclectures in the levels above school and faculties at least 2 times;

(2)    Attending academicsymposiums or academic lectures at least 30 times;

(3)    At least onerequirement for scientific research achievements below should be met by PhDstudents during the studies.

1.       1 academic paper ispublished in periodicals included in SSCI, A&HCI with the author’s first affiliationas ECNU, and the student is the first author or the student’s supervisor is thefirst author with the student as the second author.

2.       1 academic paper ispublished in authority periodicals in the first level of disciplines on humanitieswith the author’s first affiliation as ECNU, and the student is the firstauthor or the student’s supervisor is the first author with the student as thesecond author.

3.       2 academic papers arepublished in periodicals included in CSSCI (including Expanded Version) withauthor’s first affiliation as ECNU, and the student is the first author.

PhD students can applyfor a degree after he has met the requirements of publishing scientificresearch achievements during the studies.

Defense QualificationChecking. Dissertation defense eligibility should be examined before Apr.10 ofthe fourth year for PhD students graduating in the fall, and before Oct.31 ofthe fourth year for PhD students graduating in the spring. The qualificationexamination for doctoral dissertation defense is mainly to examine the coursestudy, credit, scientific research achievements, and the participation ofacademic activities.

PhD students intendingto apply for a dissertation defense must pass the pre-defense of thedissertation organized by the school. Teachers, supervisors and members ofsteering group of the department will listen to the comprehensive report ofprogress and achievements given by the applicants, and put forward advice offurther modifying and improving the dissertation, and determine whether theapplicant can participate in the defense as scheduled. Pre-defense of thedissertation must be completed before Dec.10 of the third year by PhD studentsgraduating in the fall and completed before Mar. 31 of the third year bystudents graduating in the spring.


Under the guidance of thesupervisor, PhD students should independently completed the doctoraldissertation. The doctoral dissertation should be pioneering and innovative.The doctoral dissertation should be leading and innovative. The main part ofthe dissertation should be innovative research results made by the author. Thedoctoral dissertation should reflect the PhD students' ability of independentlydoing scientific research, solid theoretical foundation, and systematic anddeep professional knowledge about the discipline. The dissertation should becompleted by PhD students in at least two years during the studies.

Supervisors and the departmentshould attach importance to all phases involving with the dissertation such astopic selection of dissertation, dissertation proposal, examination of theproject and pre-defense to ensure the quality of the dissertation.

7.A bibliography

1.MarshallMcluhan. Understanding Media Theextensions of man. Routledge.

2.David Barrat. Media Sociology.Tavistock Publications Ltd.

3.HoynesWilliam. Media/Society: Industries,Images, and Audiences. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.

4.JamesCurran. Mass Media and Society. EdwardArnold.

5.Ben H. Bagdikian. The Media Monopoly.Beacon Press.

6.Schramm, Wilbur. Mass Media and NationalDevelopment. Stanford University.

7.Dayan. D & Katz. E. The LiveBroadcasting of History. President and Fellows of Harvard College.

8.Harold A. Innis. Empire andCommunications. University of Toronto Press.

9.Manuel Castells. The Rise of the NetworkSociety. Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

10. 张国良. 新媒体与社会变革. 上海人民出版社.

11. 黄匡宇. 电视新闻语言学. 中国广播电视出版社.

12. 姚鹤鸣. 传播美学导论. 北京广播学院出版社.

13. 丁海安. 电视传播哲学. 北京广播学院出版社.

14. 张凤铸. 电视声画艺术. 北京广播学院出版社.

15. 孟建. 网络文化论纲. 新华出版社.

16. 鲁道夫爱因汉姆. 视觉思维. 四川人民出版社.

17. 刘华蓉. 大众传播与政治. 北京大学出版社.

18. 戴维. 网络研究——数字化时代媒介研究的重新定向. 新华出版社.

19. 二十世纪哲学经典文本(1—4. 复旦大学出版社.

20. 二十世纪西方美学经典文本(1—4. 复旦大学出版社.

21. 道格拉斯凯尔纳 等. 后现代理论. 中央编译出版社.

22. 詹明信. 晚期资本主义的文化逻辑. 三联书店.

23. 费斯克. 解读大众文化. 南京大学出版社.

24. 王晓明. 在新意识形态的笼罩下:90年代的文学与文化分析. 江苏人民出版社.

25. 欧阳宏生. 电视批评论. 中国广播电视出版社.

26. 严三九. 媒介经营与管理. 华中科技大学出版社.

27. 严三九. 新媒体概论. 化学工业出版社.

28. 严三九. 网络传播概论. 化学工业出版社.

29. 郑兴东等. 报纸编辑学教程. 中国人民大学出版社.

30. 刘海贵. 当代新闻采访. 复旦大学出版社.

31. 张骏德. 现代广播电视新闻学. 四川人民出版社.

32. 黄合水. 品牌建设精要. 厦门大学出版社.

33. 丁淦林. 中国新闻事业史. 高教出版社.

34. 李良荣. 新闻学概论. 复旦大学出版社.

35. 黄旦. 新闻传播学(修订版). 杭州大学出版社.

36. 郭庆光. 传播学教程. 中国人民大学出版社.

37. 孙旭培. 华夏传播论:中国传统文化中的传播. 人民出版社.

38. 塞弗林等著. 郭镇之译. 传播理论:起源、方法与应用. 华夏出版社.

39. 杨海军. 中国古代商业广告史. 河南大学出版社.

40. 杨海军. 中外广告通史. 高等教育出版社.

41. 李普曼. 公共舆论.上海人民出版社.