
Program for Professional Master of Journalism and Communication


Program for ProfessionalMaster of Journalism and Communication

I.         Objectives

Theaim is to instruct students to become high-level and application-orientedtalents who have the knowledge of China's basic national conditions, master theskills and methods of journalism communication and are equipped with moderncommunication concept and international vision. The basic requirements are asfollows.

1.Master the basic principles of Marxism and have good political qualities. Beable to grasp the professional idea of modern journalism communication andstrictly abide by the professional ethics.

2.Master the basic principles of journalism communication, with the professionalqualities, skills and methods needed to engage in the practice of newscommunication. Be able to meet the new requirements of the new technologicalchanges.


3.Have a good command of a foreign language and be able to read professionalmaterials in foreign language.

II.      Aboutthe Applicants

Studentswho enter the program are required to have an applicable bachelor's degree orits equivalent.

III.    Duration

Full-timelearning is adopted, with a three-year learning period which can be extended tono more than five years. In principle, applications for early graduation arenot accepted.

IV.    Orientation


V.      TrainingMode

A.      Althoughcourse study is the focus, multiple teaching methods are applied, such as caseanalysis, lectures, simulations, practices and so on. The teaching process isclosely related to the practical problems in journalism and communicationindustry at home and abroad. The importance is attached to not only theory butalso its application to the cultivate students' practical abilities. At thesame time, it is required to improve students' abilities in journalism andcommunication all-rounded, while special training is also encouraged to buildup students' professional competitiveness in different disciplines.

B.       Thecontacts and exchanges between schools and the practical units and managementdepartments of journalism and communication are strengthened by engagingexperts and administrators in the teaching and training of postgraduates. Dual-mentorsystem is applied while the mentor group also share the responsibility in thedevelopment of the students. Determined by the way of mutual selection betweenteachers and students, the two tutors are responsible to the students andshould help them to select research topics and formulate learning plans. Thementor group, a great advantage that can be made of to broaden students'knowledge and research horizons, is composed of three to eight mentors, amongwhom the two mentors are the ones to mainly rely on.

C.       Thefinals can be examinations or assessments, focusing on the ability to useprofessional knowledge to find, analyze and solve practical problems.

VI.    AboutPrograms and Credit

Atleast 35 credits must be obtained to graduate, including 5 for common requiredcourses, 17 for compulsory courses, 8 for optional courses and 5 forprofessional practice.

Coursesare arranged in the first academic year, only after which can professionalpractice be carried out. Credit requirements are as follows (see annex forsyllabus):

A.      CommonRequired Courses (5 credits)

1.College English (2 credits)

2.Research on the Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(2 credits)

3.Marxist and Social Science Methodology (1 credits)

B.       CompulsoryCourses (17 credits)

1.Omnimedia Communication Series (3 Credits)

2.News Practice Series (3 Credits)

3.Specialized English (1 credits)

4.Social Science Research Methods (3 credits)

5.News Communication Theory (2 Credits)

6.History of Chinese and Foreign Journalism and Communication (2 Credits)

7.Research on Media Industry Development (2 Credits)

8.New Media Management Series (2 Credits)

C.       OptionalCourses (no less than 8 credits)

1.Serial Lectures on New Media Practice (2 Credits)

2.Data News Practice (2 Credits)

3.Research on News Production under New Technology Environment (2 Credits)

4.Research on New Media and Crisis Communication (2 Credits)

5.Video Advertising Communication and Marketing (2 Credits)

6.Frontier Research on Culture and Communication (2 Credits)

D.      ProfessionalPractice

Practicaltraining courses for professional practice in media companies or otherinstitutions. Students are required to take practice in media companies andpractice bases for at least 10 months in no less than 2 units which mustinclude a practice base.

Aninternship report is required after the practice and it will be assessed.

VII. Requirementsfor Graduation

Practicalabilities are emphasized in this major. After the required credits are obtained,the graduation assessment will be carried out. It includes practice demonstrationthat accounts for 60% and dissertation defense for 40%. Topics for practicedemonstration should be professional, creative and original, reflect theprofessional standard and contain a certain amount of work. The topic ofdissertation should be closely related with professional practice. The Collegeorganizes the Thesis Committee, which consists of 3 to 5 experts with the titleof a senior professional post in relevant fields. The scores of the works arescored on a percentage basis. (Note: The evaluation is divided into fourcategories: Excellent: ≥ 90; Good: 89-75; Qualified: 74-60; Unqualified: ≤59.)

A.      PracticeDemonstration

Thefollowings are works that can be chosen from.

1.An in-depth report/series of reports/serial reports/special reports with noless than 2000 words or a video news work in more than 1 minute.

2.A print advertisement or a film/television/network/mobile phone work for morethan three minutes

3.A project planning scheme of more than 3000 words.

Atthe same time, a report of more than 2000 words of the work for practicedemonstration is required to deeply analyze the similarities and differencesbetween degree works and other similar works in this field and make theoreticalthinking and elaboration. The report should be completed independently underthe guidance of the mentor.

B.       AcademicDissertation

Thetopic should adhere to the principle of integrating theory with practice whilethe content should reflect the practical problems of journalism andcommunication industry and students' ability to comprehensively solve them byusing professional theories and knowledges. No less than 30,000 words isrequired.

VIII.             Conferringof Degrees

Studentswho finished the courses, obtained enough credits, passed the thesis defenseand met the relevant regulations of school roll management shall be permittedto graduate and be issued with their master's degree certificates. Professionaldegree assessment groups, the professional degree evaluation sub-committee ofthe university, and the degree evaluation committee of the university shallconfer a professional degree in journalism and communication and issue aprofessional master's degree certificate after their examination and approval.