
Program for Professional Master of Publication (2017)


Program for Professional Masterof Publication (2017)

I.         Objectivesand Requirements

A.    Objectives

Theprogram aims to instruct students to become high-level, application-orientedand inter-disciplinary talents that obtain both ability and morality, masterpublishing professional knowledge and skills, have a wide range of knowledge, beable to solve practical problems of publishing industry by comprehensively usingmulti-disciplinary knowledge, manage the work of book, newspaper and periodicalpublishing as well as digital publishing under the new media environment, andengage in editing, publishing, distribution and management of press andpublication in the press and publicity departments, so as to adapt to thedevelopment of socialist market economy and publishing industry.

B.     BasicRequirements

1.      Masterthe basic principles of Marxism and have good political qualities andprofessional ethics.

2.      Lovepublishing and have spirit of devotion and innovation.

3.      Masterthe professional knowledge and skills to systematically handle the publishingwork using the new media. Have the ability to work independently and meet therequirements of the administrative departments of national press andpublication.

4.      Havea good command of a foreign language and be able to read professional materialsin foreign language.

II.      Aboutthe Applicants

Applicantsare required to have an applicable bachelor's degree or its equivalent.Cross-professional applications are encouraged and working staffs in publishingindustry are welcome. (Full-time training is required.)

III.    Duration

Full-timelearning is adopted, with a three-year learning period which can be extended tono more than five years. In principle, applications for early graduation arenot accepted.

IV.    Orientation

1.Editing and Publishing of Printed Publications

2.Digital Publishing

V.      TrainingMode

Tutorguidance are combined with school training, while school tutors and enterprise tutorsshare the responsibility in the development of students ("two-tutor system").Study and practice are integrated in the courses, with emphasis put on theanalysis of editing and publishing trends at home and abroad and case analysisand practical training are applied in teaching. Postgraduates can take part inpublishing practice to cultivate practical ability under the guidance of tutors.Focusing on practical ability in publishing work and academic research ability,the curriculum design is guided by professional needs and targets at practicalapplication,.

Implementthe "three-certificate system": In addition to academic certificateand degree certificate, students are encouraged to get the Certificate forProfessional and Technical Personnel in Publishing.

VI.    AboutPrograms and Credit

Atleast 36 credits must be obtained to graduate, including 6 for common requiredcourses, 16 for compulsory courses, 10 for optional courses and 4 forprofessional practice.

Coursesare arranged in the first academic year, only after which can professionalpractice be carried out. Credit requirements are as follows (see annex forsyllabus):

A.    CommonRequired Courses (6 credits)

Researchon the Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (2credits)

Marxistand Social Science Methodology (1 credits)

CollegeEnglish (2 credits)

SpecializedEnglish (1 credits)

B.     CompulsoryCourses (16 credits)

Introductionto Publishing (2 credits)

Editingand Production of Publications (2 credits)

PublicationMarketing (2 credits)

DigitalPublishing and Technology (2 credits)

Operationand Management of Publishing Enterprises (2 Credits)

PublishingPolicy and Regulations (2 credits)

SocialScience Research Method (2 credits)

OmnimediaCommunication Series (2 credits)

C.     OptionalCourses (10 credits)

TheMaster of Publishing degree of East China Normal University is divided into twodirections: editing and publishing of books and periodicals and digitalpublishing. Students are free to choose different directions and take differentcourses with different emphasis, but 10 credits is the minimum.

Copyrightand Copyright Trade (2 Credits)

OnlinePublications Editing (2 Credits)

NetworkCommunication Series (2 Credits)

Editingand Publishing Practice (2 Credits)

PrintingMedia and Modernity (2 Credits)

VisualCreativity and Design of Publications (2 Credits)

Researchon the Development of Media Industry (2 Credits)

NewsCommunication Theory (2 Credits)

Lectureson Modern Editing and Publishing (2 Credits)

Historyof Chinese and Foreign Publications and Introduction of Classical Documents (2Credits)

DiscourseAnalysis (2 Credits)

ClassicalStudy of Linguistics (2 Credits)

Researchon News Production under New Technology Environment (2 Credits)

D.    ProfessionalPractice (4 credits)


Organizedon the university level, with the school tutors undertaking the responsibilityof managing and the enterprise tutors providing guidance, the practice includesplanning, editing, printing, distribution, management and research in practicebases or qualified publishing institutions. Signed practice bases will providerelevant guidance and support for the students.

Studentscan work in co-built practice bases including East China Normal UniversityPress, Shanghai People’s Publishing House and Shanghai Jiujiu Reader Co. Ltd andenterprises including Shanghai Century Publishing (Group) Co. Ltd and ShanghaiUnited Media Group. Apart from that, with the support of the Press andPublication Bureau of Shanghai, Shanghai Bookfair and China ShanghaiInternational Children’s Book Fair provide a lot of practice opportunities forthe students.

Studentsare required to take part in practice for 6 months and submit a report, which canbe about topic development, editing business, publishing enterprise management,publication marketing, new media publishing, etc. The length of the report shouldbe no less than 3000 words. School tutors and enterprise tutors jointly scoredthe report on a percentage basis. (Note: The evaluation can be divided intofour categories: Excellent: ≥ 90; Good: 89-75; Qualified: 74-60; Unqualified:<59)

VII. AcademicDissertation

Thedissertation should be closely related to the practice of publishing work with newmedia. It can be thematic research, research report, case analysis, publishingdesign, etc. and the content should be realistic and practical, reflecting thecomprehensive quality and ability of students to observe, analyze and solveproblems under the guidance of certain theories. The dissertations should be noless than 30,000 words. In the case of research reports, case analysis andcreative publishing design, supplementary plan description and researchanalysis of more than 10,000 words must be attached.

Dissertationsshould be reviewed by at least two experts with professional and technicalpositions above deputy senior level, and at least one of them is an enterpriseexpert. The Responding Committee shall consist of 3 to 5 experts withprofessional and technical positions above the deputy senior level. Papers arescored on a percentage basis. (Note: The evaluation conclusions can be dividedinto four categories: Excellent: ≥90; Good: 89-75; Qualified: 74-60;Unqualified: ≤59.)

VIII.             Conferringof Degrees

Studentswho finished the course, obtained enough credits, passed the thesis defense andmet the relevant regulations of school roll management shall be permitted tograduate and be issued with their master's degree certificates. Professionaldegree assessment groups, the professional degree evaluation sub-committee ofthe university, and the degree evaluation committee of the university shallconfer a professional degree in publishing and issue a professional master'sdegree certificate after their examination and approval.