
Program for International Undergraduates of Broadcasting and Television Director in Department of Broadcasting and Television (2018)


Program for InternationalUndergraduates of Broadcasting and Television Director in Department ofBroadcasting and Television (2018)

I. Guidance

  In accordance with the characteristics of talentstraining of applied liberal arts, this program aims to strengthen theconvergence of humanity quality and scientific spirits and to strengthen theproportion of practical teaching in the training plan. The program aims toscientifically construct students’ knowledge system and to improve students’ability to practice and innovate. It aims to fully improve students’adaptability for broadcasting and TV, for other film and television media andfor cultural and innovative markets.

II. Objectives

  This program is to cultivatestudents with a sturdy theoretical foundation of broadcasting and televisiondirectorial work and master a strong practical ability. It is to cultivatecompound talents with a strong plastic nature that can engage in routinebroadcasting and television directorial work, and can develop in a specializeddirection to meet needs after a certain practical training.

III. Requirements for Graduation

1.To build up a correctoutlook on values and ethics, integrity, and observation of laws; to build up ahigh sense of social responsibility and a good spirit of cooperation; to buildup a good scientific and cultural quality.
2.To master the content of the disciplines required by the major, such as filmand television, and communication, to possess professional qualities requiredby this major, to know about the latest achievements and develop trend of thismajor and to have good research capabilities.
3.To possess the practical operation ability of broadcasting and televisiondirector and to grasp the knowledge of humanities andsocial science.
4.Freshmen and sophomores are required tocomplete a minimum of 20 credits and a maximum of 27 credits per semester.Junior students and senior students are required to complete a minimum of 14credits and a maximum of 24 credits per semester.
5.Students in this major are required tocomplete 2 credits of elective units in the socialsciences platform.
6.Students are required to take Term Project or Term Paper from the compulsory unit ofspecialized education courses in the sixth term and at least one of the twocourses is required. Students are required to take Graduation Project or Thesis from the compulsory unit of specialized education courses in the eighth termand at least one of the two courses is required.
7.Under the guidance of the school, Students are required to choose their ownlearning course, obtaining 127 credits in four years according to training plan.Students who can meet the graduation requirementswill be conferred a bachelor of art degree.
8. Students are allowed to graduate ahead the schedule or to extend the lengthof study, but the maximum length ofstudy is no more than 6 years (including suspension of studies).

IV. Proportion of CurriculumStructure

  1、Total Credits:127
  2、General Education Curriculum: 31 credits, accounting for 24.41%.
  3、Common Courses in Social Science: 13 credits,accounting for 10.24%.
  4、Foundation Courses: 16 credits, accounting for 12.6%.
  5、SpecializedCourses: 67 credits, accounting for 52.76%.

V. Core Courses

  Photography, Camera Shooting,Audio-visual of Film, Non-Linear Edit, Movie and TV Sound, TV Art Theories, TheHistory of Chinese Cinema, Film and TV Editing, Introduction of Documentary,Film and Television Playwriting, Documentary Production, Introduction to TVStudies, Introduction to Animation, Acting, Scripts for Varieties, The BasicKnowledge of Director, Overview of Film Study.

VI. Syllabus