
Program for Undergraduates of Advertising(2018)


Program forUndergraduates of Advertising(2018)

I. Guidance

In order to meetthe needs of the rapid economic and social development, according to thecharacteristics of applied liberal arts, the principle of program design is to balancecultural literacy and professional quality, integrate innovation ability withcommunication technology, equally stress market awareness and innovationspirit, and improve both theoretical and practical ability, so as to enablestudents to be competent for the positions of creating, planning, managing andother works in advertising service industry.

II. Objectives

In order to meetthe general needs of excellent talents in planning, marketing, brand promotion,publicity, and media management, the program design aims to provide specializedpersonnel for companies dealing with advertising, communication, public relationsand marketing, for advertising service departments and public relationdepartments in both enterprises and government and for advertising education,research and training institutions.

III. Requirements forGraduation

1.      Have the correctvalues and ethics; be equipped with patriotism and integrity; observe the law;have a high sense of social responsibility and a good spirit of collaboration;and have a good scientific and cultural literacy.

2.      Master the basicknowledges in communication, marketing, art and other disciplines required andcertain knowledge of humanities and social sciences; grasp the basic knowledge,basic theories and basic skills of advertising systematically; and know theknowledge hierarchy of advertising and development trend of the advertisingindustry.

3.      Be able to userelevant theories and techniques to finish works including advertisement design,planning, public relations, marketing, advertising management and management. Becompetent in advertising copywriting, print advertisement creation, videoadvertisement production, digital marketing and communication.

4.      With a four-yearlearning period, the Bachelor of Arts can be obtained upon completing the148-credit courses and meeting all the requirements.

5.      It is recommendedto take no more than 27 but no less than 20 credits per semester in the firstand second grades while in the third and fourth grades the number is 24 and 14.

6.      The compulsorycourse design of liberal education requires one course of two credits inmathematics and statistics, and one course of two credits in the excellentcourses. The selective one requires 8 credits, of which 4 credits should bescience courses, and it’s recommended to select aesthetics, psychology orChinese and foreign art to acquire other 4 credits.

7.      The common coursesin social science require 13 credits, of which 11 credits are for compulsorycourses and 2 for elective courses. Students who are willing to major inadvertising are recommended to take the Social Research Methods. All the 13credits must be completed in the first year.

8.      Students areallowed to graduate earlier or later, but the maximum length of study mustn’texceed 6 years (including suspension).

IV. CurriculumStructure Proportion

1. Total credits: 148credits

2. LiberalEducation Courses: 49 credits (33%)

3. Common Courses inSocial Science: 13 credits (9%)

4. Foundation Courses:20 credits (14%)

5. SpecializedCourses: 66 credits (44%)

V. Core Courses

Introduction toMarketing, Public Relations, Introduction to Advertising, History of Chineseand Foreign Advertising, Classical Advertising Theory and Works Selection,Audiovisual Language and Film Advertising, Advertising Photography, AdvertisingPlanning, 4A Advertising and Theory Frontiers (Series Lectures), AdvertisingCreativity, Advertising Copywriting Writing, Consumer Behavior, PrintAdvertising Design, CI Design, Advertising Market Investigation, and AdvertisingPsychology.

VI. Syllabus