
21世纪杯英语演讲 | 大学组季军罗颖:假如生命走到尽头,你最遗憾的事情会是什么?




        "Being afraid to fail means you’ll be afraid to try. Playing it safe will get you nowhere."




        在看到半决赛的主题 Protecting the blue planet 时,罗颖同学最初有两个想法。其一是和大多数人一样,环境保护;第二是把blue解读为“忧郁的、悲观的”,或许阐述现代人的一些情绪压力。



        对于总决赛的题目 The power of ideals,她选择了她一直想表达的主题:如何讲好中国故事。作为一名新闻系的学生,传播中国声音一直是她的理想。在她眼中,中国故事的背后是国家软实力与人文关怀魅力的体现。


心态阳光 满载而归





学无止境 贵在得法




以赛促学 持续提升







Telling stories

      When I was little, I began my career as a kid journalist. Every Sunday morning, my  dad and I took the subway together to get to newspaper office. Before walking into the door, my dad would crouch down, look straight into my eyes, and ask “ Sweetie, what story are you going to tell the world today?”

      At that time, I didn’t know how to respond. So I kept searching answers by majoring in journalism. During class time, professors told us that the ideals of journalism is to unfold the truth, connect the world, and tell stories that are often neglected.

      I put these ideals into practice last year. After spending two arduous months in a poverty-stricken county in Yunnan Province, interviewing local people, I wrote an article of their life stories, especially on how children there yearn for education.

      After the release of it, I couldn’t help looking forward to how readers would react to the story and when schools would be set up. All of a sudden, my dad’s words came into my mind, and I started to think more about the meaning of telling stories.

      It’s an ideal that helps journalists get through difficult times, create a sense of purpose, and take action to make a difference in this world. It reminds them of the fact that they’re truth seekers sticking to the standpoint of people. They’re translators putting complicated policies into simple words. They’re ambassadors bringing to the world our peace-loving traditions and concerns of a shared future, which it’s actually the ideal of every Chinese people.

      In our fight against Coronavirus, we’ve lost count of moving stories recording the sacrifices of frontline hospitals, healthcare workers and legions of volunteers. It’s a story of heroism.

      In our journey of poverty alleviation, we marvel at the transformation of impoverished villages. From winding mountain trails to highway tunnels, from fishing boats to cargo ferries, from agriculture to e-commerce. It’s a story of innovation and hope.

      In our mission of building up a bridge between China and the rest of the world, we present an unbiased, multidimensional and panoramic view of China by stepping away from fear and division, and towards cooperation and rejuvenation. It’s a story of China, of Chinese people.

        The stories we tell transcend culture, geography, race and religion. It empowers everyone to bring understanding and empathy to a world where we welcome the immigrant, the poor, and the forgotten.

        In Bronnie Ware’s book “the top five regrets of the dying”, the one that tops the list is  not having the courage to live a life true to oneself. We don’t wanna look back regretting not fulfilling our ideals. In the vision of making the world more open and equal, in the long march of realizing the Chinese dream, we give voice to people who desperately need to tell their stories and have their stories told. Because the stories we tell may be different, but the destiny we share is forever the same.

来源:21世纪杯英语演讲 | 大学组季军罗颖:假如生命走到尽头,你最遗憾的事情会是什么?